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The purpose of this page is to share information and photographs with relatives and descendants of Stillman and Margaret Cook. You are welcome to copy and keep any of the photographs we post! If you have any information or photographs to share, please send it along! |
The newspaper account found below relate to the life of Daniel F. Hunt Jr. The first account records a gathering of friends and family who came to the Hunt Homestead to celebrate Daniel's 91st birthday in 1904. The article provides interesting details of his life and has a list of some of guests. Among them were my great grandparents, Leon and Grace Smith Allen and my Grandfather, Arthur Allen. The second is Daniel Hunt's obituary from the following year. These accounts come from unidentified newspaper clippings found in the Lewis Family materials and also appear in the Lewis Family book by Barbara Thesing. We are indebted to Barbara for sharing her work with us and permitting us to use material from the Lewis Book. |
Ridgeway, May 14.- Near Burlington, Vt. May 14, 1813, was born Daniel F. ., son of Daniel F. and Abigail Batcheler Hunt, the eldest of a family of nine, of whom the subject of this sketch is the sol survivor. At the age of three, in 1816, he accompanied his parents tot he town of Ridgeway, where they settled one mile northeast of this village, the whole town being at that time an almost trackless forest, containing a few scattered log dwellings along the famous Ridge road. His early life was one of hardships, the common lot of the early pioneers of Western New York. Since early manhood he has been actively engaged in farming and dealing in real estate, having owned at one time upwards of five hundred acres. Until last June he had always managed and worked his farm, which at that time amounted to 200 acres. He has since then divided the land among his children, only retaining an income sufficient for his needs. He was married to Tryphosa A Greenman November 10, 1838, four sons , and three daughters blessing their union, of whom only two survive, Mrs. George E Allen of Medina,, and Burt A. Hunt, of this place. Mr. Hunt has lived continuously on the same farm on which his father settled, it having always remained in the family and is to-day the property of his son, Burt A., with whom he now lives. Although not a church member, Mr. Hunt has always liberally contributed to the support of the churches both at Lyndonville and Medina; also the Universalist church at Ridgeway, of which his father was one of the first trustees. In politics he was always a stanch democrat, and though often urge to accept a nomination for town offices he steadly refused. He was always an ardent worker in the party, and has perhaps a unique record for continuous voting, having lost only one vote in seventy years, and at one time he had voted one hundred and twenty-six consecutive times at the same polling place in Ridgeway. Mr. Hunt is celebrating to-day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Burt A Hunt, his ninety-first birthday, assisted by his children and grandchildren to the number of forty-three. Among the guests are Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. and Master Arthur Allen, and Mr. and Mrs E. Fred Rowe, of Rochester; Mr and Mrs Elmer E Peck, of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs Frederick Allen, Mr and Mrs J. F. Colnoys, and Mrs Mary J. and Gorden Hayes of Niagara Falls. Mr. Hunt is in fairly good health, and recently walked one and one-half miles to visit his granddaughter." (Note: the "one" in the last sentences has been crossed out on the newspaper copy, leaving one-half mile. TSC) (dated 1904) |
Daniel F. Hunt died at the home of his son, Burt A Hunt of Ridgeway, on Tuesday. Mr Hunt was born in Burlington, Vt. May 14, 1813. At the age of three years his parents settled on the farm on which he died, he having lived there over eight-nine years. At that time the whole town was a forest, with but a few long huts along the Ridge Road. His life was similar to that of other pioneers, but by frugal methods and thrift he amassed a competency and for some years has led a retired life. In 1838, he married Miss Tryphosa A Greenman and seven children were born to them, only two surviving. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt lived together over fifty years, celebrating their golden anniversary in 1888. The two children left are a daughter, Mrs. George E. Allen of this place and a son, Burt A Hunt of Ridgeway. In politics Mr. Hunt was the staunchest kind of a Democrat, and although he always refused any office at the hands of this party, enjoyed the distinction of having lost but a single vote in over 71 years since attaining his majority, and that due to sickness. For 126 consecutive elections he voted the straight Democrat ticket at the same polling place at Ridgeway Corners. It is doubtless true that he has resided longer in Western New York than any other old resident. (dated 1905) |