


Our Family History Page

created and maintained by

Thomas Stillman Cook




The purpose of this page is to share information and photographs with relatives and descendants of Stillman and Margaret Cook. You are welcome to copy and keep any of the photographs we post! If you have any information or photographs to share, please send it along!

Blekkenk Family Tintypes
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The following tintypes were once in the possession of George Blekkenk (1901-1975). They were given to Margaret Allen Cook in the 1980's. They were not labeled, but were with other Blekkenk materials. Our best "guesses" appear with each tintype. Help in identifying these people is greatly appreciated!


 Blekkenk Tintype #4

Man and Baby

Comments: This man and child bears and interesting resemblance to Abraham Blekkenk and his oldest girl Hattie (Harriet)

see Blekkenk family photograph


  Blekkenk Tintype #3

Two Children

Comments: We believe that these two children could be Abraham and Emma Blekkenk's oldest children, Hattie and John. That would give the image a date around 1894.

see Blekkenk family photograph


  Blekkenk Tintype #6

Two Men with Cigars

Comments: These dapper young men might have appeared in another of our tintypes, but it is difficult to tell. Hopefully a Blekkenk descendant can help us identify them and the others in these tintypes!


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