


Our Family History Page

created and maintained by

Thomas Stillman Cook




The Life of Grandma Cook

Grandma fell in 1996 and then was back in the hospital the following year. When Grandma recovered, she went to live with her son Andy. Andy had already started to gather the family at Grandma's birthday each year.

This photo was taken at her party in 1997. From left to right are her children Gail, Larry, Tom, Andy, and Gary.

Grandma continued to enjoy playing scrabble, beating people at cards, and going on rides. Her children gave her a brick at Frontier Field - the photo on the left shows her on her first trip to the stadium to see her name on the Walk of Fame. She also enjoyed researching family history and on our last outing together she "surfed the web" and saw this site!

Most importantly, in the last year of her life many friends, relatives, and loved ones remained in or returned to her life. She saw a lot of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and heard by mail or phone from people such as her dearest friend from Hemlock, Lucy Hendrickson (see here with Grandma in a photograph taken around 1990).
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